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Monday, January 9, 2012


Why Myrrh for the Baby Jesus?

In the Feast of the Lord's Epiphany,  the troubling question is why should one wise man got the idea that he will give gift of myrrh to the baby Jesus?  Myrrh is used for the preservation of dead bodies, and it's use as a gift contradicts birth to death. Something that difficult to comprehend about this gift but has got deep theological meaning, and this means that the three wise men's actions today just within the 2,000 years history of the Church has so much significant role for our christian theology and faith today.

The mystery is, maybe god has revealed to the magi the divinity and mission of Jesus for salvation of mankind? These magi's are Persians as always perceived, but to them made a great mystery that the baby they seek had been is known to them before their embarking to journey?

Or was it that the value of myrrh is so expensive and rare that this gift is a wealth for the family? We do not know, but the reality is that their presence before the baby Jesus is something also that what they spend for effort and time to do such is extra-ordinary. The symbolism of their journey and their worshiping before the baby Jesus is a manifestation of the revelation of the divinity of Jesus as having their foreknowledge.

  “The Magi’s fidelity to the inspiration of grace is wonderful. Doubt takes no hold upon their minds; without staying to reason, they immediately begin to carry out t heir design…They obey the divine call without delay or hesitation.” (Bl. C. Marmion, “Christ in His Mysteries,” 142)

Did they also received messages  from the angels in a dream like St. Joseph? possibly. Their exhausting journey reveals and compels us to think and consider that such a thing could have happened to them in the beginning, and only not written in the scriptures.

The Epiphany of the Lord has so much gifts for us than to the gifts they bring in their journey. Their trip to Bethlehem is a make or break journey, their very lives hang to it that these mysteries we think god may had revealed to them even in a dream is something near and posible to grasp. Read more about this.

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