The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Monday, January 9, 2012


When someone wrote on the misconceptions of the bible that tends to sway faiths of others and discredit religion or Christianity as a whole and discrediting the word of god, well these are the signs of the times. The advent of so called intellectuals and agnostics and atheists to these days is a sign of the end coming. There are several misconceptions raised by some, who authors them or are prolific thinkers of our generation. I can say that their opinions are dangerously designed to eliminate god and religion today and mankind can go with his own knowledge by exploring his own science. If you want to read these misconceptions, please click here for their opinions put in question the word of god. If ever, the bible were written in Greek where the Lord or the apostles are not able to speak or write is something of deeper thought, by not just looking at it in that way, there must be something else. It was made written that way in another form of dialect or language to let Christianity or the gospel flourish and spread for the gentiles and god has plan for that. Or was the gospels written more than 70 to 100 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ could not be attributed to make the written words of the gospel imperfect or make unreliable because it was not written by the apostles themselves. This is another misconception of the misconceptions of the intellectuals today. There you can ask for ourselves what are the plan of god, if we are to base our arguments on the factual evidences of who were the original authors of the book of gospels, then we are truly of human intellectuals alone. In order to understand all these requires intellectuals with the breath of the spirit of god, we cannot understand directly both bible and history and facts together, we should be guided by the spirit of god to understand all your intended analysis and understandings. Well, there remains the misconceptions limited in the eyes and mind of man without guidance of the spirit.

The misconception alone that Moses died 300 years before the old testament was written is cannot be disputed as the written word of god became imperfect,  or Abraham died 900 years before the first content of the bible was written is not a big deal at all, but the reality of god is that any word and revelation transmitted orally through the guidance of the spirit of god cannot falter, and that's where intellectuals today cannot comprehend about the spirit and power of god. The rising of atheists and agnotics abound because their knowledge and learnings are truly of human concept because they don't seek god and put intense prayer before they start analyzing the cosmos.

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