The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Friday, January 6, 2012


In the difficult path to Jesus.

Staying in the path to Jesus is difficult for the way to him is  through by his commandments, and the difficulty is confounded by the hard way we take to be with him, we are in the Breaking the Bread. As such, Breaking the Bread is one of the many branches of the teachings and commandments of God, it is the production house of good works. The difficulty is visible around you, you can feel and can sense it courtesy by your neighbors.

Breaking the bread serves as a litmus test for people or for anyone who comes accross to it. The apostolate for the street children is a taboo for many and an unacceptable social reality in our community today and the difficult part in what you do is they wait for the littlest black spots in your work and then they'll scramble to criticize you and your program discrediting the street children. That's how people are today, hating the poor, hating the work of Christ, proving that nothing is changed after 2,000 years.

This is the difficult path to Jesus but it is sweet, for the more you are criticized in helping the needy, the poor, the helpless, God is pleased and elevate you more closer to his heart.

It is really a difficult path to Jesus because of our human nature, for we also  have our own sorrows and sacrifices, and are depressed by our failures, but yet we  struggle to stay and cling to the path to Jesus for we know that trampling along the way is part of it.

I pray Lord that you may continue to give me strength always for the work you've given me is not easy. I know I should rejoice in the Breaking the Bread for this work you've given us is according  to your divine will, and that I take it as a gift. May the people around me will see the goodness of this apostolate and see your light and shine forth in their hearts, and let them have their eyes open to see you in the state of the street children. May Father Richard whom you've assigned to form Breaking the Bread in our community be guided by your spirit and endow him with the strength he needed in his vocation. Lord, forgive us for we complain sometimes in the pain and sorrows we feel due to the criticisms and persectuion of your little ones, and we shed tears  everytime we are troubled by it. Lord, we need to be with you, live in your spirit,  in the Breaking the Bread for there we've found you. Amen.

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