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Friday, January 6, 2012


It depends on how you understand it.

Each one has his own eyes, physically we use our eyes to view things around us. But our eyes is useless in the absence of light, for you cannot see anything when you're in darkness. For this, I will base my understanding and judgement on people or some of my friends who fail to see the goodness and the fruits gained by the children.

We are not dealing with normal children for they came from broken families of impoverished conditions whose basic needs are deprived in their lives.Their characters are molded by the rascal environments that they dwell in and they are at loss of natural and common behaviour of a child due for proper growth and development.

The children's behaviour is not their fault, or either that they  wanted to be like that, the real blame is poverty and the parents inadequate education, unready or untrained to become proper individuals to rear their children to become good citizens of our society is the bottomline of all the problem.

The situation is made by God purposely, to let the poor be present in our community not for them to stay in their suffering conditions but for them to make you turn to act on his commandments of "Love one another". Without poverty, there could be no God's commandment. For the commandment of God to love and care for those who suffer will be meaningless if no one is poor and in distress.  If Jesus is  in the least of our brothers and no one is least, where is He?.

The point is the least of our brothers are meant to change us. The poor is used as reasons to make his commandments alive, and because of them only we are being purified to enter his kingdom.

How can a rich man enter heaven if not to love the poor? His sin of ommission will condemn him to death and hell.

Don't say the children have'nt changed, it is you that have not changed till today. You do not see yourself.

To say that they do not improve, it is you that needs improvement
If your say your neighbor is hopless, it is you that has lost hope
If you judge them, it is yourself that you judge.
To disregard them, you disregard CHRIST.

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