The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The wonders of Breaking the Bread.

There is a question of whether we have made accomplishments or not in the children of the BTB, and this is a question we oftenly heard and expect. By quick or easy observation one may say there is none, physically  or visually. But pausing for awhile, a real sense easily gives you  an idea and impression on the children, and if you are really spiritual enough to look at the merits and wonders of Breaking the Bread you will find it not worthy to give an opinion rashly because you've seen the children. Some say that three years is long enough to expect change, and change they wanted to see, but there are  answers to the question that will make you fully understand the changes transforming  the BTB children. The following may shed light on the changes.
1.  PRAYER  -  the children is now able to pray. The rosary particularly they know how to say. The mysteries, the decades, the glory be, the apostles creed, the our father, the  holy Mary, the Hail Mary, and to exactly pray it. They know how to bless the food,  and despite of their innocence, their lack of parental support to be religious in their tender age, they began a step to prayer through our efforts made in the Breaking the Bread.
2. SONGS OF PRAISE- They know how to sing praising songs. Today by their own, they are able to lead themsleves to sing the songs we've teached them.
3. RESPECT - They know how to seek blessing from the elders, respect for us and magnified this respectful habits to those around them, in their families and the Blcok 5 itself.
4. ATTITUDE & RESPONSIBILITY- Gained for themselves attitudes to tend them  to inculcate leadership among their groups and set a standard to eliminate habitual attitudes which are against the teaching Christ, like badmouthing.
5. WILLINGNESS to learn- willingness is one of the best developed character in them by showing perseverance to continue in the BTB not just by feeding programs we do, but of the company we give them, they feel love and affection in us. Learning about God is there, when they ask to let them lead prayers in our programs.

There are many other things I would like to enumerate more in these good changes we've done to the  children of the BTB and these are only partial of good changes to answer mis-observations of our dear friends. We are not magicians or can turn overnight success in our programs for the street children. changing them is not to shock them outright or electricute them to change, but a gradual process is required. You cannot evangelize the word of god directly to the unbelievers, it is you who are to show what is like to be Christ before you turn them to be  Christ like. To change the children is to change yourself. Show respect and you shall be respected, say kind and holy things to them and they will follow you. That simple.

Our work is a hope to change them, but one thing is sure that because of the presence of BTB in their lives we give them a chance and hope to be good citizen of this country and to God. 

The formula program for the street children is about you. Just show kindess to them and kindness they will copy from you. Actually I tend not to summarize the children's improving behaviour but it is in my dear friends that my eyes turn to observe them. Are we teachers of Christ? if we are, are we Christ llike? Frankly, I observe that we have not changed, we are still worse. To demand children's change for good is for you to change yourself first, and sadly, we need change and improvement.

Lord, may we be able to open our eyes that we are actually to change our lives and not the street children. May we learn to accept our faults that we are not a shining light to the children but instead still them in darkness and deprive them of your light. We are blinded by our own standards and forgotten that these children needs special and fragile spiritual guidance which we fail to possess, due to we are not humble enough to look before our own faults but the faults of the children. Lord forgive us, and change us, for we aspire to be your instruments of  light to them, and for that we pray to convert our hearts today. Amen.

Note: this is a narrow and short display of the topic, I will follow up more posts, watch for  it. thanks

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