The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Monday, January 9, 2012


In this episode of the Catholicism, Father Barron explains the event where Jesus went to the Capernaum in a synagogue and spoke about the Eucharist. Fr. Barron's explanation is awsome, and to that respect, I gained the dicernment that there is something else beyond that spoken words of Jesus that pertains to the eucharist today. Not only that, it's about the church, it's his body being the source of life for all believers. We take communion with Jesus through taking the host in the mass, but by making this passage of the bible being given by Fr. Barron, I can see the greater meaning about the eucharist and the church today. If the church is the body of Christ, the church is the Eucharist itself, . The wholeness of the the body of Christ is the church, and those that belong to it and is in communion with his body. as we are in the church, and we partake in his body, not only that, we are in his body, not his body in us. Our spirit in his spirit, not his spirit in our spirit. We are in his living body and not him living in our body. We are a spirit experiencing a body not a body experiencing the spirit.

The intensification mentioned by Fr. Barron about eating or gnawing his flesh is the intensification we should have in desiring him. Meaning, being a christian or having our faith or part of his body in the church we should unceasingly desire him of his word, of his commandments and teachings for these things will give us eternal life. For being in part of him, we will experience glory in Jesus if the level of our worship and prayer, and doing his words will bring us for his eternal kingdom.

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