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Monday, January 9, 2012



The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God last January 1, 2012 marks the beginning of our year in the calendar but the meaning of this dogma being in January 1, is more than to understand its theological meaning as given. Though in the history of the church the date of this solemnity was originally different, in the west and eastern chruches, the day it is celebrated today confirmed deeper meaning and revelation of God to his church through the years. My simple opinion is that the precise date of this solemnity goes to the notion that in the beginning of  the year marks also the beginning of the church in its work for the evangelization of the gospel, the good news. Being Mary the theotokos, "god bearer" serves as a guide and helper to  take us  to his son Jesus Christ, and  Mary as the role model for all christians will lead us in the first step of our journey towards Christ in the beginning of a  year,

The good news starts with the proclamation of Angel Gabriel to Mary about her giving birth to Jesus and by her acceptance, she carried from her womb our god Jesus and rear the child unto 
fullness that Mary had accomplished all in her life, this implies the validity of Mary being able to carry and help us the "church" to guide it until the comig back of Jesus in the last days and this, the day of the solemnity takes the foundational ground for the church.

If Mary is the mother of God, she is also the mother of the church and this dogma will give us the understanding of the significance of the solemnity on Jauary 1.Read more on the homily of Pope Benedict

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