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Saturday, January 28, 2012


Fr. Richard with the BTB kids
January 27, 2012   @ 7:00pm at the Sto. Nino Parochial School - Was held the farewell program of Father Richard Monteiro which was attended by some of the Sto. Nino Parish Shrine's  Ministry members and friends, well wishers, Priest friends, members of the BTB, the BTB Kids  and all the people who are supportive of Father Richard's  service and stay as guest priest for the SNPS. 

Bro. Melvin, Catechist of the BTB
 The evening program was primarily for the street children of the Bago Bantay, with whom Fr. Richard started because of his love and affection  for them being of his neighborhood in the parish -and their state and condition in the community pushed him to the birth of the Breaking the Bread that came now into an established Program,  The children portion of the program came very alive  for the children and the guests.
The cheerful ladies of the BTB

Games for the BTB kids

The sponsoring guest for the food of the Breaking the Bread children, and the magic show given for the children was a great fun for all that was there. They commended father Richard fo the great work he had done to the commnity and such is an example that priesthood and the church look into this ministry and the apostolate started. This is regarded as a pioneering work of a priest in our community and just few of the exellent deed of an ordained man.

Father Richard will be going home to India, his native land to continue his mission as a priest but that will not mean the end and death of our BTB here, but rather, he had founded a work in the country that with  the guidance of the Holy Spirit, BTB will go the to depth depth of a catechized  "lesser" portion of our society.
Seeing BTB as becoming the "tower"  of love of one another in Christiandom.

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