The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Psalm 105:4 Seek out the LORD and his might; constantly seek his face.

 Psalm 105:4
Seek out the LORD and his might;
constantly seek his face.

We are in the world battling for  good and evil.  The constant  distraction we encounter everyday ruins our steadfastness to remain good in this life and our strength for the faith experiences daily threats that without enough protection from god we may fail. As a believer of god, we produce things of good works for others, most of all express love and care for our neighbors and mankind. But others claim doing the same good works  yet they don't believe or worship any gods. This is Atheism and Agnostics today.
In my recent encounter with people over the internet, I've experienced some of them under the notions imbalance and their falling away from faith comes from their experience, encounters and organized discussions among skeptics which by their limited human knowledge had put the authenticity of God or any divine beings in question when presented  on the table of science. The predicament of the vast universe, it's existence  as unknowable for mortal beings like us regards the hypothesis  to enter into a knowledge that everything comes into being and synchronicity with the natural and co-incidental situations that everything was started naturally and without god.
For sure, there is nothing sure. Everything is there and nothing that is there that can science prove  the existence of the universe nor god both ways. But there is one thing sure that man has soul, spirit, and these dwells differently with our own physical world and those dimensions proved to be in existence on many occasions in biblical terms or by history.
What is unacceptable is the fact the men in it's mortal condition comes to a level where he tries to understand what is not meant for him to understand. The possibility maybe that we can have the power to know universal things of this world and beyond is innate and natural in us as created beings but definitely we cannot or nearly even touch the know ability of universe and mankind for that is a reserved knowledge of our creator. To investigate the bodies in the Universe, formulate the matters, understand our varied environmental surroundings and its organisms, is just the proper knowledge that man can have to bind him and rule over the creations put under him by god.
Psalm 105:4 suggests the answer for the Atheists and agnostics. If we will approach God and seek his face, all the power over the universe and all creations is  under his might. He maybe is spiritual to experience but the physical power to create or destroy everything is all under his power. 
Mankind truly is seeking answers to all his questions about the universe, but sure in the end all answers to his questions will lead him to god as always.

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