The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Seek the Lord now, not later.

So many had become unbeliever of Christ. They turned defiant with the Faith after 2000 years of the Gospel. In our times, it is hard for other people or men to accept the faith alongside with what this world offers, or  what this world teaches! This is the reality of today's world. Atheists and Agnostics abounds.  The wisdom of this world teaches the non-reality of the divine being and mainly points men to what science and technology proves today. Continually, technology works to disprove God, and this has the alarming rate that before the end of times, human kind will not seek God anymore.

God does not do evil for mankind, instead wills its power to save them. It is mankind that does evil for himself. The more man seek science the more he sways away from God, because he loves his own knowledge and wisdom, he delights with his pint size intellect rather than god's vast wisdom of Creation.

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