The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


the 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, I can say that this gospel generally will strike the very core of our selves as followers of Christ. Many or majority of us still do not or cannot fulfill this teaching of Christ, hard it maybe, it is truely the litmus test for ourselves to fully become a true follower of Him.

The truth about the ills of our society comes from our own individual sins, sins of unforgiving others is the cause of our unforgiving society as a whole giving unforgiving conditions of life for everyone caused by each one.

We do not forgive, we give injustice to others, we linger on these conditions that make us suffer more in our own world of injustice. Jesus is always right in teaching us about loving our enemies, where His teachings of love is the fulfillment of the law.

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