The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Monday, September 12, 2011


Heaven is where God resides, and where those little ones whom God has blessed has prepared  them a special place. I may call the name of the place to be The Block 5  in heaven, and I am very sure  that God loves to visit this place, whom he loves to see every kind of his children,  the less ones we call it have all the comfort, joy,  and happiness  in their own heavenly abode.

Why Block 5? In our own context,  particularly in our Ministry, Block 5 is a name of a place in our community where the title implies poverty, lawlessness and character that is defined by our fellow brothers in disgust and horror of these beings. Block 5 is a little compound of shanties stacked in shambles profiled in-humanely. Hard to believe they exist in a life threatening conditions of poverty ignored by everyone around them. The old tradition of discrimination  is imposed on them heavily.

Carving Block 5 in Heaven. Though despised strongly by many of us, our Ministry works the opposite way of tradition, by taking a step towards or inside them instead of going away from them. To be with them is to do the job of taking away their physical hunger, and be followed by the spiritual food that will bring bring us to start carving the Block 5 in Heaven.

Jesus said, "it is not will of my father in heaven that these little ones will be lost". These very words implies responsibility on us surrounding the B5, if it is not the will of the heavenly father that they shall  be lost, then who?  I believe the only answer to the question does point to us, we. We didn't take the responsibility, we did no action. Kind of similar to the parable of the rich man and lazarus? Our sin of omission.

There's so much work to be done, not for the B5 but first for ourselves. before we can get ourselves to take care of the poor, we should take the spiritual path to make open our spiritual eyes to truly see the image, an image not ordinary, nor the physical poverty of the B5 but the image of God in them.

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