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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Breaking the Bread 3rd Year aniversary

It was January 1, 2009 , the day or the date of the first dogma of Mama Mary declared by the church, making Her the Mother of God, and so was the BTB was born for the apostolate of the Poor.  It was entirely a reality in  a life  not even seen in a dream or least we've expected  either, that such will make us stand in a crossroad pondering what might come. A moment to make a choice, as least we know that  this work will entail labor and pain to take through, and without any calculations, we vow.

Similary like Mary who vowed to the will of God to be an instrument of salvation for mankind, has set aside human reason and even before we can examine our capacities, we have no way to say no.

The third anniversary of  Breaking the Bread has conquered nothing, visually or physically. But spiritually we have conquered it best. In the Three year journey, we have vanquished  FEAR. For alone in the darkness,  our will to work and move in the odds of carrying out the impossible summed up in crushings and failures. There is only one catalyst: To gain is to surrender, or to surrender is to gain. We fall to discover that Christ is always there and we fail only to find out the secret that He is in the poor and the helpless. Our  Fear turns to Joy and our Joy into strength.

The three year anniversary is grandious for the Trinity is reached. It is a footstool to leap forward and spring toward eternity. Thanking God, and bless you all!!!  - Bro. Gilbert

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