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Thursday, December 22, 2011

CHRISTMAS - What can I do?

It is moving fast, christmas is coming. The reality of Christmas today had gone wild and different for its meaning is lost amidts the material things sorrounding us, its spiritual relevance of joy is replaced by emotional feelings that longs not for the birth of the saviour of our souls but for a thing opposite of Him. Advent is lesser felt as the coming of the Lord, but rather as what prospects can we profit of the season.There is a crisis.

Just yesterday Pope Benedict 16 delivered a speech that the Church is in Crisis, he stated: "The crisis of the Church is the crisis of Faith". True!, for whatever reality and difficulty of spreading the gospel today, we Christians sit safely in the comfort of our stacked materials and deny taking the load to move the gospel forward.

Try asking yourself what you can do this Christmas, it is not always Christ that will the work for you, He loved us so much, but He is also to be a judge someday, hope you'll not face him with empty report.

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