The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Breaking the Bread Third Year Anniversary

Breaking the Bread Feeding Program and Prayer
Rev. Fr. Richard founder of the Breaking the Bread..
The Breaking the Bread is approaching it's 3rd Year Anniversay this January 1, 2012. The day will highlight the year-end and new-year program to reckon fresh start for 2012. The children members and it's parents will attend the program as expected. Also our founder Rev. Father Richard Monteiro will grace the occasion.

The future of BTB of serving God through loving and sharing with the Poor is good, for God is blessing us with a Spirit to keep our faith steadfast and strong. The past years have given us strength and Lessons to arm us in the next years to progress in the work and  love of God. "If you love Me, you shall love your neighbor". These are the very words that make us strong to go with the task of serving God through loving the weak.

High hopes and high Faiths we bring to the new season of BTB.  And we pray and hope to the Lord of continued blessing of mind and body and spritual strengths to overcome the odds of living with his word, Living with the Spirit, persevering in truth, to commit ourselves and everyone to see God  in his kingdom. God bless you all.

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