The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Monday, December 26, 2011


Come Lord save us. This is the main theme message of Pope Benedict XVI on the Christmas Message given recently.  Well, it is very fitting to sound this call for we are to be saved from all the crisis in our faith and the church. Our faith is struggling to remain and survive amidts these times. There is a very strong pull toward darkness in all of us  for what this world now brings is the materialism of our generation.

Our faith is in the test. Of what this modernity in our age had brought us to sway from our faith, and we are at the crossroads of believing or staying in the faith. The atheists and the agnostics abound as the product of our modern world. Come Lord save us, may not these things you've brought to us in our progress will not get in the way in our faith with you. 

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