The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Psalm 105:4 Seek out the LORD and his might; constantly seek his face.

 Psalm 105:4
Seek out the LORD and his might;
constantly seek his face.

We are in the world battling for  good and evil.  The constant  distraction we encounter everyday ruins our steadfastness to remain good in this life and our strength for the faith experiences daily threats that without enough protection from god we may fail. As a believer of god, we produce things of good works for others, most of all express love and care for our neighbors and mankind. But others claim doing the same good works  yet they don't believe or worship any gods. This is Atheism and Agnostics today.
In my recent encounter with people over the internet, I've experienced some of them under the notions imbalance and their falling away from faith comes from their experience, encounters and organized discussions among skeptics which by their limited human knowledge had put the authenticity of God or any divine beings in question when presented  on the table of science. The predicament of the vast universe, it's existence  as unknowable for mortal beings like us regards the hypothesis  to enter into a knowledge that everything comes into being and synchronicity with the natural and co-incidental situations that everything was started naturally and without god.
For sure, there is nothing sure. Everything is there and nothing that is there that can science prove  the existence of the universe nor god both ways. But there is one thing sure that man has soul, spirit, and these dwells differently with our own physical world and those dimensions proved to be in existence on many occasions in biblical terms or by history.
What is unacceptable is the fact the men in it's mortal condition comes to a level where he tries to understand what is not meant for him to understand. The possibility maybe that we can have the power to know universal things of this world and beyond is innate and natural in us as created beings but definitely we cannot or nearly even touch the know ability of universe and mankind for that is a reserved knowledge of our creator. To investigate the bodies in the Universe, formulate the matters, understand our varied environmental surroundings and its organisms, is just the proper knowledge that man can have to bind him and rule over the creations put under him by god.
Psalm 105:4 suggests the answer for the Atheists and agnostics. If we will approach God and seek his face, all the power over the universe and all creations is  under his might. He maybe is spiritual to experience but the physical power to create or destroy everything is all under his power. 
Mankind truly is seeking answers to all his questions about the universe, but sure in the end all answers to his questions will lead him to god as always.


Seek the Lord now, not later.

So many had become unbeliever of Christ. They turned defiant with the Faith after 2000 years of the Gospel. In our times, it is hard for other people or men to accept the faith alongside with what this world offers, or  what this world teaches! This is the reality of today's world. Atheists and Agnostics abounds.  The wisdom of this world teaches the non-reality of the divine being and mainly points men to what science and technology proves today. Continually, technology works to disprove God, and this has the alarming rate that before the end of times, human kind will not seek God anymore.

God does not do evil for mankind, instead wills its power to save them. It is mankind that does evil for himself. The more man seek science the more he sways away from God, because he loves his own knowledge and wisdom, he delights with his pint size intellect rather than god's vast wisdom of Creation.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Breaking the Bread 3rd Year aniversary

It was January 1, 2009 , the day or the date of the first dogma of Mama Mary declared by the church, making Her the Mother of God, and so was the BTB was born for the apostolate of the Poor.  It was entirely a reality in  a life  not even seen in a dream or least we've expected  either, that such will make us stand in a crossroad pondering what might come. A moment to make a choice, as least we know that  this work will entail labor and pain to take through, and without any calculations, we vow.

Similary like Mary who vowed to the will of God to be an instrument of salvation for mankind, has set aside human reason and even before we can examine our capacities, we have no way to say no.

The third anniversary of  Breaking the Bread has conquered nothing, visually or physically. But spiritually we have conquered it best. In the Three year journey, we have vanquished  FEAR. For alone in the darkness,  our will to work and move in the odds of carrying out the impossible summed up in crushings and failures. There is only one catalyst: To gain is to surrender, or to surrender is to gain. We fall to discover that Christ is always there and we fail only to find out the secret that He is in the poor and the helpless. Our  Fear turns to Joy and our Joy into strength.

The three year anniversary is grandious for the Trinity is reached. It is a footstool to leap forward and spring toward eternity. Thanking God, and bless you all!!!  - Bro. Gilbert

Monday, September 12, 2011


the 24th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME gives us the best reflection on forgiveness. Being a follower of Christ this is difficult to do, but doing it will reward you more of being a true Christian. We have many experiences specially on our friends and neighbors, we had  encountered situations where thinking about this teaching of Christ is sometimes a grand test if we really can stay with him.

I have some people known to have experienced the most horrible things in their lives, and this gospel goes across with them and felt very hard to understand. They ask the mercy of God for granting them the spirit of forgiving others and overcome their human weakness due to these sad events in their lives. Healing, surrendering, and trust to the almighty is the last thing we should resort to, he's the only one who can give us peace. Forgiveness is peace. 


Heaven is where God resides, and where those little ones whom God has blessed has prepared  them a special place. I may call the name of the place to be The Block 5  in heaven, and I am very sure  that God loves to visit this place, whom he loves to see every kind of his children,  the less ones we call it have all the comfort, joy,  and happiness  in their own heavenly abode.

Why Block 5? In our own context,  particularly in our Ministry, Block 5 is a name of a place in our community where the title implies poverty, lawlessness and character that is defined by our fellow brothers in disgust and horror of these beings. Block 5 is a little compound of shanties stacked in shambles profiled in-humanely. Hard to believe they exist in a life threatening conditions of poverty ignored by everyone around them. The old tradition of discrimination  is imposed on them heavily.

Carving Block 5 in Heaven. Though despised strongly by many of us, our Ministry works the opposite way of tradition, by taking a step towards or inside them instead of going away from them. To be with them is to do the job of taking away their physical hunger, and be followed by the spiritual food that will bring bring us to start carving the Block 5 in Heaven.

Jesus said, "it is not will of my father in heaven that these little ones will be lost". These very words implies responsibility on us surrounding the B5, if it is not the will of the heavenly father that they shall  be lost, then who?  I believe the only answer to the question does point to us, we. We didn't take the responsibility, we did no action. Kind of similar to the parable of the rich man and lazarus? Our sin of omission.

There's so much work to be done, not for the B5 but first for ourselves. before we can get ourselves to take care of the poor, we should take the spiritual path to make open our spiritual eyes to truly see the image, an image not ordinary, nor the physical poverty of the B5 but the image of God in them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The  birthday of Mama Mary is the birth of our salvation. We should thank her humility in accepting the task of bearing the son of God and bringing it to the world, for us to share and acquire that salvation.

Her birthday we should thank God, for his divine plan of giving salvation to mankind that was made through her. There could be other women who can take task and the responsibility,  but Mary is unique, chosen by God, prepared and designed by the almighty for the salvation plan of mankind.

Mama Mary is our mother, for whom she had given care and guardian for our Lord for 34 years, not only that, she had been giving us care and love  throughout the existence of the church. Her role in our christian life is a model and guide for all of us.

There's no one who knows Jesus well like his mother, or no one can speak better more in human terms anything about salvation like Mary, the Mother of God.   In all the gospels, she kept a role sublime but of personal and maternal relation with our Lord that one can take.


the 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, I can say that this gospel generally will strike the very core of our selves as followers of Christ. Many or majority of us still do not or cannot fulfill this teaching of Christ, hard it maybe, it is truely the litmus test for ourselves to fully become a true follower of Him.

The truth about the ills of our society comes from our own individual sins, sins of unforgiving others is the cause of our unforgiving society as a whole giving unforgiving conditions of life for everyone caused by each one.

We do not forgive, we give injustice to others, we linger on these conditions that make us suffer more in our own world of injustice. Jesus is always right in teaching us about loving our enemies, where His teachings of love is the fulfillment of the law.


This is about the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, where this Sunday's Gospel is dealing with forgiveness. Unless you do not forgive, you are not forgiven, a simple mathematical equation or formula which, everyone of us don't mind. We don't mind about dealing with our spiritual life, on which our level of spirituality depends on how we forgive others. We often spoke of our relationship with God, we often tell others about our faith, our love to the almighty, how very good are we on how we carry on with our christian life, but the main core of our Christianity is in this Sunday's gospel reading. Not only that, in the 24th Sunday in Ordinary time take moment to read and reflect on the first reading on the book of Sirach which profoundly and strongly emphasize the contrast of our relationship to God by staying within anger and hatred with our neighbors and brothers.