The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Friday, February 10, 2012


the 8th day of the rosary of the children
The rosary, in the novena a way to start them young
February 10, 2012, BTB Office, 4 pm: thus, the usual time to gather and pray the Rosary in the Breaking the Bread, this friday starts our program for the Children. We had made significant change in our street children, a discipline and a good behaviour is seen with good results. The way to build our church is to build our children, and those children we deal with is the little ones and the biggest in our community. The hope of the church is the youth, and they are being prepared to be real catholics by the BTB.

If there is time to spend on, it is the time to give to them to the children for they are the future of our church, for they are the future parishioners, and for they are the leaders to be tthat will hone our church, and to be apt with  the modern age of our time. The chances on the growth of the body of Christ  relies on how we build the youth, our children to become the faithful catholics in their generation.  The sweetest thing about our apostolate is that we harness the  strength and the future of the church from those in the lesser ones of our community, the street children and what we do not know is that in a few more years they can become members of any  Ministry of our Parish, like choirs and the PYM, etc.  Father Richard is right in his discerment of our apostolate minstry and there is a reason and  time to give more power to this noble work where gospel is applied to the fullest.

The strength of our church and specially the faith will remain on one question ;" what have we done to our children, wether it may had came from the upper or middle social class of our society, does not matter, but in the critical, the biggest chunk of them is the lower and the lowest portion of our society- the Poor -  where we need to lay our eyes on.

May we ask the Lord that, we members and staff of the BTB having answered the call to serve God, may gather our strength through prayers and  faith to god, and through the gospel of our Lord to bring more fruits in our work amidst our own strength and gifts we received from Him, and He may always bless us for the things that we need spritually and materialy to keep His church alive forever and ever ,Amen,

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