The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Saturday, February 4, 2012


The 3rd day rosary novena
The Mama Mary grotto of the BTB
February 4, 2012, the BTB- The regular rosary  novena at the BTB is held in honor of the Our Lady of Lourdes. Coinciding with this global event, in having the novena Masses at the Sto. Nino Parish Shrine and in all the Church,  the rosary for the Virgin Mary is extraordinarily important for the Breaking the Bread as BTB itself was founded on the January 1, Mother of God dogma of the Catholic Church.

The our lady of Lourdes is one appariton of the Blessed Virgin for helping and urging mankind to act more on prayers and conversion. The vision of Mary through St. Bernadette in 1858 was one of the signficant marks of Mary's helping the church eversince her time with the apostles. Please read more about this particular Marian apparition.

As the loving mother of Jesus devotes herself in helping his church to be with his son in prayers and likeness, we should imitate her as our model in following Jesus,  and the will of god in our lives. Mary is our guide towards God, she leads us to her son Jesus. By her help, we should thank her for her prayers.

The novena rosary in the BTB is on-going, you can share your time also to be with us as we invite all of you, in prayers and oneness with our church.

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