The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Monday, February 13, 2012


Happy Valentines to Mama Mary
Feb. 14, 2012-  Valentines day, is for our loved ones and ofcourse for Mama Mary, Our lady of BTB, something we need to share and give her for this special day. Love is the spirit and and the spirit is love, that is for this moment, we need to remember that god is love and should it be given first to him. Thanks for his love.

Is love in us? If only love is true in our hearts today, there would have been joy and peace  in everyone, but in reality, love is something to be further  investigated by the senate if love is really there in our pinoy hearts. We have love, yes, love for money, power, influence, honor, etc., etc., where this kind of love wreck misery and griefs to others, the still unresolved issues of our society, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, vis-a-vis is the product of our kind of love today we foster today. We need to change and employ real love in this world. Love and Greed over material things and selfishness, make this world a place of war and conflicts, an imbalance distribution of wealth and an unfair practice of justice to favor the few and the powerful, has diminihsed away the meaning of love, and it has just  reduced it as  decoration and lipservice in our time.

True love is from god, but at least we have to try in us to have this love rule in our hearts and in this world. 

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