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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Pope Benedict : the Lent
February 22, 2012- Ash wednesday starts the Lent season, and for forty days we are invited to meditate and come back to god because we've sinned.

Breaking the Bread, in it's form makes Lent the center of it's mission - to make changes in our lives, changes that will bring us forth before god to his kingdom. The challenge is how can we realize the need to break ourselves and recognize god's importance in our lives? We are called everyday by god to listen to him, hear his voice, to be with him and do what we are commanded to. We are in the midst of mature decesion for this time of Lent, as Pope Benedict spoke In his homily just this Ash Wednesday. He called for the church to see itself like pilgrim in the desert, "desert" that gives the church to pursue and work for more in these times that what this generation had done in our faith. The condition of the church is like  a place in the desert that it should live itself to meet the needs of procaliming the gospel in these difficult times.  The arid condition we are in, in negative view like poverty of faith and physical needs, the spiritual deformation of mankind,  the sad social and moral conditions of the world is a desert for the church.

Breaking the Bread in a level we are in for our community, will serve the purpose of bringing forth souls to god through the little resources, talents, and time we're given, but the point of it all is that quantity doesn't matter to god, it is the quality  in a little space given that we are to work with in the breaking the bread. Everyone is tasked to work for god, and in evey little way, short accomplishments is enough and needed today in a desert place and time.

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