The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Can we call ourselves children of God? Is being a Catholic, a Christian or by faith through Jesus Christ mark us to be a Children of God? A genuine christian practicing and following the teaching of Christ, can be children of God, for the Spirit of God is with him.

"led by the Spirit of God are children of God." Rom 8:14

As God's children, we can enter the kingdom of the Father which is heaven. But the question is how can one be led by the Spirit of God? all throughout? in our lifetime? Symptoms of the Spirit in us should be present. How it would stay in us, not leave us, maintain and endure to live in the teaching of Christ.

"The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." Rom 8:17.

Our way of life is the proof on how we live it makes it as a witness if we are led by the Spirit. In that sense spiritual life is important for us in order to be in communion with God. Symptoms of spirituality should be abound in us. Be prayerful, charitable, compassionate, kind, slow to anger, and in speech we should be holy.

"....if only we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him". Rom 8:17.

Suffering is part of the process of retaining the Spirit in us, we jointly come with the suffering of Christ as the key to be called the children of God. As carrying our daily cross is being a Christian.

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