The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Monday, March 28, 2011


Keep the commandments of the Lord, by walking in His ways and fearing Him. Deut 8:6. Breaking the Bread is one of the will of God, fulfilling His commandments through sharing, loving not only extending it to our chosen friends or neighbors but exercising it to those people who are really in need of our love and care. The real meaning of loving our neighbor is found through sharing and catechizing our own street children in our midst. BEAR YOUR SHARE OF HARDSHIP FOR THE GOSPEL WITH THE STRENGTH OF THE LORD. It is a significant to take part in the BTB that the gospel is carried through this ministry. BTB is part of that hardship we share in the gospel, this is prayer in action.

Fearing the Lord is one quality of a true Christian or follower of Christ. So many of us despise the poor and the under privilege before us, specially the street children. We judge, utter and defile them because of their stature, I feel pity for those who do not understand their actions towards the poor. Remember by judging, despising, the little ones which are the kingdom of God, you offend the Lord. If we fear God, street children is no street children anymore, they will turn them to good Christians in the next generation after us, and that's the beauty of BTB today. Breaking the Bread starts to instill walking our ways with God, and showing that by being obedient to God, is loving His will always. Amen.-- Bro. Gilbert

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