The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Sunday, March 27, 2011


the family of Barbara Navasca was our BTB sponsor last March 26, 2011. The sponsoring of food and giving short messages of inspiration for our little children gives rise to their moral strength and hope for life. Their presence in sharing their blessings to the children is something that God had made it happen so the BTB will go on strongly as according to God's purpose and plans for all of us, big or small in economic stature in life. Even though all of us has each own struggles in life, the sharing and and love-giving which is God's commandment is very much natural in our hearts, a mark of a true Christian. The cost and quantity of how much you share is not the matter, what is important is the spring of love and willingness to do it. To take a step and time to give the effort to fulfill that urge of heart is enough to please God. "Please do not forget to share what you have, because with such sacrifices God is pleased" Hebrews 13:16. Yes we please God, because we've acted according to His will. May the Lord bless us all.

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