The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


ROMANS 7:23 For wages of Sin is Death, but the Gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The gift of God is eternal life. No doubt. As a gift, like anything, is like something being offered without the asking of anyone or by one, just there, given a gift. But we should take note properly the verse. Many of our brothers interpret the gift as something to be innate in a christian being, a thing irrevocably God given. A thing called "once saved always saved". to understand it, let's look at the other inspired word in the bible;

"for in Hope we are saved. Now hope that sees for itself is not hope. For who hopes what one sees?. But if we hope we do not see, we wait with endurance. Romans 8:24

Eternal Life is our salvation. This is the gift we speak of, we receive this gift once we fulfill the words of Christ. But hope is the keyword here, hoping is similar to waiting if in finality we really can have the "gift".

GIFT: Gift is something given, but offer of the gift do not end in the act of offering. The giver, awaits the result or the reaction of a person about his gift. Like a T-shirt given, the giver wanted to see if you use the shirt, wearing it, liking it. Similar to God, He also is eager to see if you will heed with His gift of eternal life by or through following His words in the scriptures. What if one dislike the gift? or one do not take the gift seriously? setting it aside idly? ignore? Of course, this case will be of another matter compared to those happy with the gift. Surely, God will treat each and everyone of us distinctively.

HOPE: We only hope that we are saved. We know that God saved us. Given His life to redeem us is definitely the mission of Christ for all. Remember crucifixio9n of Christ happened 2,000 years ago, and the words in the scripture that we were saved, remains. But because this is now 2011, we hope that we are saved. In Romans 8:24, we have not seen Christ, we have only today the bible, we have to endure in our lifetime to live in Christ, the hope, and bringing this hope to life everyday in order that the gift we may receive in the end.

For those who love god: " We know that all things work for good for those who love God, Romans 8:28 ....." to be conformed to the image of His son," Rom 8:29
To be in the process of salvation, we should conform to the image of His Son, that is to live spiritually with God. Live this life according to His words and teachings.


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