The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year of better Chance.

Happy New Year.
The Lord has given us another year, another time and another chance to renew and be with him this year.

The world is aging so are we, we move on because that is to be so. This life should be  something that will make you worthy  for your creator.

The time is given for us to choose and take the path that will define your eternity.

New year should be received with all thanksgiving, for this year is another chance for us.


New year is something else for us. Specially for the Breaking the Bread that was founded on New Year;s day, and the Solemnity of the Mary as the Mother of God. To celebrate the coming of the New Year is to celebrate the meaning of  Breaking the Bread. We welcome the year with great joy in our hearts for the New year is not just a celebration it is a day of double celebration  for our apostolate is born on today, a great start to pursue and persevere in the faith.

There is so much to ponder on the ticking of the clock as it goes midnight, it goes also the meaning of bringing forth new hope how we'll become better christians by growing in the service of the apostolate of the poor as commanded by Christ.  Breaking the bread  breaks new doorsfor us  to broaden our works and service  for the Lord. There we add up more oppourtunities to be of greater service to one another, more ways to open our minds and hearts on where and how we will be better followers of Christ.

We are to serve the next year with great joy and enthusiasm, for the new year opens to us higher grounds for our commitment and being strong in proclaiming Christ to everyone. Let it Jesus shine in us, and these comes to us the new theme for the year,  let Jesus shine is us. This will mean stronger and and dedicated way to serve in this apostolate, to SHINE MORE!!

As we Celebrate today, we Celebrate Jesus for in  the Breaking of the Bread He'd been known to us. Thanks-Bro. Gilbert

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Breaking the Bread Third Year Anniversary

Breaking the Bread Feeding Program and Prayer
Rev. Fr. Richard founder of the Breaking the Bread..
The Breaking the Bread is approaching it's 3rd Year Anniversay this January 1, 2012. The day will highlight the year-end and new-year program to reckon fresh start for 2012. The children members and it's parents will attend the program as expected. Also our founder Rev. Father Richard Monteiro will grace the occasion.

The future of BTB of serving God through loving and sharing with the Poor is good, for God is blessing us with a Spirit to keep our faith steadfast and strong. The past years have given us strength and Lessons to arm us in the next years to progress in the work and  love of God. "If you love Me, you shall love your neighbor". These are the very words that make us strong to go with the task of serving God through loving the weak.

High hopes and high Faiths we bring to the new season of BTB.  And we pray and hope to the Lord of continued blessing of mind and body and spritual strengths to overcome the odds of living with his word, Living with the Spirit, persevering in truth, to commit ourselves and everyone to see God  in his kingdom. God bless you all.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Come Lord save us. This is the main theme message of Pope Benedict XVI on the Christmas Message given recently.  Well, it is very fitting to sound this call for we are to be saved from all the crisis in our faith and the church. Our faith is struggling to remain and survive amidts these times. There is a very strong pull toward darkness in all of us  for what this world now brings is the materialism of our generation.

Our faith is in the test. Of what this modernity in our age had brought us to sway from our faith, and we are at the crossroads of believing or staying in the faith. The atheists and the agnostics abound as the product of our modern world. Come Lord save us, may not these things you've brought to us in our progress will not get in the way in our faith with you. 


"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through Him and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.. AND THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND DWELT AMONG US "John 1:1 and 14

Is there anything more we shoud doubt? The baby born today is God, our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. What is that meant to be for? It is not only simply for being with us, but saving us and giving us eternal salvation, was the plan of God. For God so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son...John 3:16.  But His birth and being with us is not without meaning, it is a gift for us to have salvation, and that gift should betaken cared of. We should be with him and always be, to live , fully attached to him in order that we many not be lost. Being with him requires us to bear fruit, for to be with Christ is to be with his commandments and live by them.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

CHRISTMAS - What can I do?

It is moving fast, christmas is coming. The reality of Christmas today had gone wild and different for its meaning is lost amidts the material things sorrounding us, its spiritual relevance of joy is replaced by emotional feelings that longs not for the birth of the saviour of our souls but for a thing opposite of Him. Advent is lesser felt as the coming of the Lord, but rather as what prospects can we profit of the season.There is a crisis.

Just yesterday Pope Benedict 16 delivered a speech that the Church is in Crisis, he stated: "The crisis of the Church is the crisis of Faith". True!, for whatever reality and difficulty of spreading the gospel today, we Christians sit safely in the comfort of our stacked materials and deny taking the load to move the gospel forward.

Try asking yourself what you can do this Christmas, it is not always Christ that will the work for you, He loved us so much, but He is also to be a judge someday, hope you'll not face him with empty report.