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Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Contraception : Best for women, babies and the planet.-Bill and Melinda.

Melinda Gates vow to put the availability   of contraception back on the global health agenda- even if it means going against the Pope-has provided welcome voice for logic and compassion.

 It was the in the  London Summit on Family planning which they had sponsored last July of 2012.
Conference speakers pointed out that in 2012 alone, full access to family planning could prevent 200 million unintended pregnancies, 50 million abortions, 25 million miscarriages and 100,000 maternal deaths. This is in addition to the millions of children who, if they survive their first year of life, face a future of poverty and ill health. There is a strong unmet need for voluntary family planning, with 40% of pregnancies in the developing world unplanned and approximately 215 million women unable to access much wanted family planning support.

I appreciate very much the philanthropic goals of the  Gates couple, but the mission as I see it is obscured much in a more different fashion of agenda because the conference is vague in truth. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is just one of the current organized population control teams and organizations even before they've become billionaires, and their goals go seamlessly with other billionaires in the US who've been espousing this agenda of contraceptives and population control  long before, and they belong to this elite groups preaching on saving the mother earth by reducing world population, while in truth, they wanted to impose control if  cannot be eliminated  some human species on earth.

The idea of contraception is secular, and this defies the revealed truth of divine teachings as taught buy the Catholic Church. The church is not against with slowing birth rates in the first place or promoting family planning, but to the point that it is in conformity with the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ- abstinence from sex and the natural family planning method.

Abstinence and the Natural method is a difficult teaching, just like the Eucharist as taught by Jesus 2,000 years ago, but definitely it is a soul saving method  if followed.

The sacredness of life  from  conception espoused by the church today is the equivalence of the Bread of Life teaching of Jesus in his time.

The figures projected in the summit above is confusing, the saving miracle of contraceptives to women and mankind? sure not, but what are the facts and projections if Abstinence from sex and natural family planning method by the church if applied?

The summit is just for Contraceptives, which they did not figured the dangers of cancer causing and deaths of these devices for women and children. They will not tell.

Just like the Jews in the time of Jesus, Bread of Life is impossible for them. Today, Abstinence from sex is impossible for the world.

I am convinced  that contraception  is deception.

thank you and God bless.


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