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Sunday, February 24, 2013



February 24, 2013.
Catholic Vote for the election might be new today, but in our daily lives as Catholics these chores are just ordinary. Why? because voting is a way of expression or will of every individuals; a decision making and choosing processes unknowingly regular in our routine . I say this because we possess god-given intellect with conscience to choose which is bad or good for ourselves from food , friends, clothing, medicine, etc., that is why no one can say that Catholic vote is new for us and for our Church.


There's an  example of 100% KATOLIKONG PINOY  in facebook. It's a page that we Catholics should be like , and this is one sign that I say we must be as Christians. Being Catholic is not 50% or 99% it must be 100% Catholic!!!  In all you do, you breath, speak,  and do everything for the glory of God.

In the context of walking with the faith and believing in Jesus Christ, everything must be for Jesus:
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,"

Colossians 3 :23.
So many of us are not fully immersed Catholic in words and in deeds, and this is why the call to become  full 100% Catholic should be a serious matter today, a call to be radical to the Faith is absolute. Christ is our life and our salvation, we"ll work only for Christ, none other!

We cannot appreciate and promote "Catholic Vote" if we are not 100% Catholic, much more we cannot be partners of Christ in the work for salvation of mankind if we do not understand His words.
In whatever we do, may it be in politics or in society, work it for the Lord, and the question of RH LAW, and proposed bills of  Divorce, Abortion, Same-sex Marriage, etc. which is not in consonance with the teachings of Christ must be repealed.

Biblical truths cannot be basis for Catholic Vote?

Why we cannot raise biblical truth for Catholic Vote? Secularists oppose biblical truth because we operate in a secular society? Wrong. The very basis of Catholic vote is the truth itself, God,  which is found in the bible, and humanity is the creation of God, and our cities and  municipalities in nature is a community of God, not in any form of secularism crafted by man. All laws of the land should be balance in body, spirit and soul - the three components of humanity.

Safe and satisfying sex feeds the body, not the soul and the spirit. Sex is a gift of God for procreation and not to be used outside that purpose. What men found and wanted on sex is to utilize it for bodily pleasure without consequences. Secular doctrine disregards soul and spirit, which has eternal consequences.

Catholic Vote is for Catholics and it is purely a Catholic business. We cannot influence other sects and denominations, but we can influence the moral bearings of our brothers and sisters for it is our job. The work is monstrous and we are just starting to teach our brethren connecting the gospel with politics and society.

We are citizens of Heaven and we shall live  to the requirements of our heavenly kingdom of our father and not of men. We are all called to be Christ like, so do our society and government.

Jesus did not intervene governments?
He intervened. Persecutions of Christians are the cause of His interventions. Look at St. Paul, he was made blind by the Lord and that is intervention. Should Christ take the sight of our congressmen and senators today? Possible! but we are here to do the job of proclaiming the gospel, and teach them all he had commanded us.

The conversion of Emperor Constantine the Great is the greatest of all interventions after centuries of persecutions and the birth of Christianity in Rome, the seat of Papacy in Vatican today. Interventions after interventions of God in our lives are countless!!!
Catholic Vote is intervention and conversion I will say.

We need to inform everyone about Catholic Vote, there's misconceptions and  misunderstanding about the birth of this topic. Moral guide from the Church we all need.
God loves you.




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