The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Thursday, January 10, 2013


Breaking the Bread 4th Anniversary
Parents and children
Breaking the Bread 4th Anniversary.
Held January 4th 2013

our BTB children
Mama Mary of the BTB
The Breaking the Bread anniversary was celebrated January 4, 2013, three days later of it's founding of January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. It is the first friday of the month of January, a fitting occasion to celebrate with the fullness of the Spirit.

It was attended by more than what we had expected, children and parents who graced to join in the revelry of the birthday of the BTB that had made a signature in the community to tend and serve the neglected part of our small neighborhood, but most of all the anniversary at it's fourth year signifies strength and resilience in the times of odds and difficulties in the struggle of the ministry.

The program with the prayers and guidance of the almighty went well and children performed to make the event more joyful and in one spirit. To see the videos of the programs please click HERE.

To see more of the pictures of the event click our FACEBOOK GROUP PAGE.

We thank our donors and sponsors for the gifts we had for the children and the parents, the food, T-shirts and the facilities we had for the anniversary. Friends and relatives who've been giving us support for the program, abroad and local, and those individuals who at this point like to remain anonymous. T-shirts, slippers, novelty items,souvenirs, old clothes were of great value for our beneficiaries of the program.

We will remain stronger and bold in the mission of proclaiming the word of God in the corner of the depressed, the needy and the unwanted in the society.God is with us, and the mission shines brighter in this fifth year of our service. We have exceeded the test and the truth is real that this work is by the Spirit.

We need more of your support of any kind, materials and prayer,  it will bring us to the point of achieving.

We look ahead this year with greater depth and  spirituality as we had overcome the odds and challenges in the freshman years and had proven to our adversaries and  evils  that we are no longer afraid.

thank you and God bless.

Bro. Gilbert

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