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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Catholic Schools for new Age.

The educational system in our country was pioneered by the Church, not only that, the social community and every aspects of our common lives before was initialized by the religious orders and basically, we owe to it the cradle of our beginnings as a nation.

With the establishment of our community, we were nourished with what we need, first and foremost, education as one of the apostolate of the church. Thanks to the convictions of religious groups, orders and congregations who were really inspired by the Spirit of God in spreading the gospel through learnings. These manifestations seen in the promotion of education are truly the guiding lines of the promise of our Lord to guide His church.

The achievement of the Jesuits in creating the biggest names of universities and colleges all over the world for example is actually the beacon of what we say that the church is the builder of mankind and its civilization.

There's rise and fall everywhere, as the sun rises and sets in, so do the times are changing, but the reality of  catholic education and its future is really a struggle. As the secularism rises and ever since it began,  the two became opposed with each other in the standard of morals. The development of our society turning secular has its roots from the failings of Catholic Schools and these are the consequences and catastrophes brought out of  the best intent of the church that it cannot avoid.

As the church was the biggest in the world in the service for education, there are drops and failures  today in the last twenty years. So many high schools, colleges and universities had closed in the US alone. There were about 1,500 schools closed shop in the last decade. Enrollment failing, and though even subsidized by their diocese, still the closures of schools came. Catholic schools in the US not subsidized by the federation is saving them to about 23 billion dollars a year of taxpayers money, a legacy of the church unparalleled.

There are certain things we could not avoid, and everything under human control is not perfect. Part of the problem is that diocesan and archdiocesan policies "have enabled Catholic schools to fail" by subsidizing them but not challenging them enough to find new ways to become self-sufficient and attract new students. (NCR)

In our local atmosphere, it may happen. As the  diocese are taking over the running of every schools in its reach, the specifics and detailed approach of localized situations may rise to the death of our parochial schools and the slack down of that parish, for they may overlook and lose the touch of the reality of school situations under local conditions. Biologically, the Parish and their school is just one and parochial is always an advantage for the school, as the parishioners are mostly their own clientele. This nature, the local parish itself with it's own parishioners united to plant the school in the beginning  may loss the love and support with this set up of diocesan form, for they are taught to "love parish and  think parish". This format may contribute to the loss of market share as everybody now is going elsewhere.

The nearest relation between the Diocese and the Parish in operating theirs schools should be co-partnership, not totally and absolutely in the hand of the other side, or vice-versa. Also, the third party in the local operation should be the Pastoral Council of that parish to facilitate control.

The intent of the Catholic Education is for the poor, this should not be lost. Though viability and finances are needed, education for the impoverished should be kept alongside.

Catholic schools should not be jeopardized by paying low its staff in exchange for god service. Though accounted as their widespread service to children of low-income families is the greatest educational gift Catholic schools have to offer is "God"

Parents of educationally at-risk children "want God" because they realize that if their children grow up with a living faith in God, they are less likely to end up in prison or in other self-destructive lifestyles.

May we put more and plant more schools or diversify to bring up god-fearing individuals in our community, and create leaders for our country honed by our catholic faith,where in them the truth and teachings of Christ be embedded and so shall prevail in our land a true christian community. A secular society is godless and the only answer to it is the Spirited education that will spread the faith more, and sustain a stronger and updated catholic schools today and in the future.

The gospel is dynamic, so in every aspects of Catholicism, may in truth, faith, education and moral guidelines for the secular and spiritual lives of men, the presence of God should never fade in our hands.

Related readings reference and source:  The National Catholic Reporter

This writing is inspired by the article written in the National Catholic Reporter.
The italic lines are taken from the report. Seminar: Catholic school crisis calls for creative responses

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