The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Brothers and sisters, thank you for giving time to read this BTB newsletter. This email letter is the only way to reach all of you to share thoughts, arti­cles, opinions and experiences which may help to enlighten us on issues regarding life and spirituality. Sometimes topics may vary according to situations and timing to gather clearer point of understanding, not to invite you to take sides on matters, but to broaden and touch us to remind every­one of looking things in spiritual perspective, like in today’s topic I am about to share. May it be of my personal encouragement to attract some of us to reflect on the issue of my newsletter today?

Not only some or few people, but a majority is rude and cruel in giving opinions about the BLOCK 5 Street Children. Everybody can make their own opinion, in our democratic society; everyone is entitled to freedom of opinion and speech. For information, Block 5 Children are the very less fortu­nate little children of our community, and BTB is having program of catechizing them, a spiritual balance to counter evils in our society. As I say, re­marks on the street children on judging them at their very young age are a sin. Let me explain, in the next passage;

And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it?” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
Mark 10:13-16

The Scripture and the Children:

The scripture tells us that Jesus did not reject the children, He loves them, and revealed that the Kingdom of God is in them no matter what type of children they are, may it be children of rich or poor families, all are equal in the kingdom of God. The stern message in this gospel is the strong indi­cation that Jesus is unhappy when you treat children basely. Actually, Jesus was preaching all around towns and villages, thus the situation and stat­ure of people and families gives us the impression that economically, socially, and educationally, all are less. Therefore, it is a fact that people, espe­cially children in those time and condition are “street children type” to compare today. The rebuking of the disciples of children is a clear indication that those children are “equivocally” street children.

Why do I am very particular of this scripture verse and the nature of children in this gospel? It is because street children are the subject matter of this gospel. It is here I take the basis that street children are to be respected, given care and attention, their nature and condition should be understood, and none of us has the right to say anything against them, curse them damnation. Examining further Mark 10: to in-dignify the children is a sin. The verse singled-out children as the picture and emulation of the Kingdom of God, at their young age, they possess the qualities of a pure of heart where none of us have, yet we’re the one who castigate them, very ironical!

To say hopeless things to the children is like saying hopelessness for you to the kingdom of God. It is the qualities of being pure you are against to, where Jesus imply that we should imitate in the children. Children have different natures according to their environments and families. We do not deny that the upbringing of a child reared by a good parent is far opposite with that of a parentless street child.

Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him.
Proverbs 22:15

But all child are the same, each one are born with all the capacities to achieve in life, only that potentials veer away with the different conditions and situations where each one were born, and their families crucial to their future.

Street children are a case in front of us. It is a litmus test if we are following Christ, a catalyst to separate us for being true or not. To praise Christ is to praise everyone he loves including street children. He said “love one another”, this command encompasses every creature on earth, no one is left behind, no one is marginalized, and everyone fits in the kingdom of God. I know many of us despise the children, I thought to consider that such act was our recklessness as humans, but think again, we are to be judged in the final day. I hope we’ll not forget that Jesus came down to save us what­ever class or stature in the society we’ve been. If we cannot help the less ones amongst us, or have nothing to give them materially and positively, better not to use words that may hurt people doing their best to touch the lives of the depressed in whatever terms we can, just to make alive the “loving of one another”.


Good news, with the almighty knowing the great works Father Richard is doing in our small neighborhood, the BTB is gathering support from more generous people in our Parochial community that indicates our street children are getting more sympathy and attention to bringing them more hope and dignity. Bright future for our children is coming, I suppose that with more generous sponsors, education of our children is bringing us to life. We will maintain anonymous condition for our friends who came in contact and gave their words for support, we will let you know in the future newsletters whatever new developments and progress we’ve had with our sponsors.


O’ Lord, thank you very much for your kind eyes on us. You’re always keeping us safe at your side, bringing us hope in the midst of desperate situa­tions, in times where we seem lost, where to gather strength in a flash of negative remarks from our friends in the program of BTB. We humbly submit ourselves to you, whatever talents and blessings you gave us, continue helping us , guide us with your Holy Spirit, grant us al­ways patience, love, and perseverance among the trials we encounter each day. May you bless BTB and father Richard and the Street Chil­dren. Amen.

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