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Saturday, March 10, 2012


March 10, 2012 - Breaking the Bread, Bago Bantay
Mama Mary always leads us to Jesus. It is not a thing of being the Mother of the son of God, but being her as mother is also a mother for all of us which She always show her son  Jesus to  the world, but the world cannot  recognize Jesus by not acknowledging  Mary who can speak about her son fully to us, for Mary is the person who gave the sone of God to the world

Many other believers are not believers by itslef, it s a kind of a cafeteria faith which they chose only to believe on what they like to believe and what they  comfortably and conveniently love to do. Mostly, our other brothers in the faith, the protestants and other denominations chose to be that way, the importance of doing good works like in the church's teaching they deny, as the only thing needed is a personal relaltionship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

We have to love what God loves. Jesus loves her mother, and so also we should also give love to her, he gave her respect, so do we also. This is the problem with the others, they despise more the mother of Jesus. And this is why we Catholics are fortunate to see and recognize all these things, we should honor her as Jesus had jhonored her and given a place in heaven.

This is the Breaking the Bread, we continue to do the works commanded by Christ, for we are guided and lead to the way of Jesus through her mother Mary.

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