The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Looking for You

He is looking for you. That's it, in many times of our lives, we have forgotten Him, we thought that we can go on with out Him. we take care of our own selves, thinking that we can survive trials and sufferings in our lives by our own. We can solve problems by ourselves, and we can get things done and go for success by our own. What we do not know, there is a silent partner in all the things we do with our lives. He makes things accomplish for you, and He made you safe up to this day, this very day and moment, He had taken cared of you. We can,t see Jesus, we can,t feel Him, that is because He was gone 2,000 years ago, but not away from us, because He had promised that He will be with us always. This is the Lent season, and is very timely to adore God this 4o day journey with the Lord in our quest for peace and satisfaction in each our lives. Jesus is just there beside us, looking at you, He makes constant reminder to let Him be part of your life. To feel Him, you will find Him in prayers, we need to be in touched with Him constantly in our lives. I invite you that in this season of Lent, take His hand, that had been reaching you ever since, walk with Him and tell Him how sorry you were of your sins. Now is the time to look for Him, for He had bee looking for you ever since.

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