The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Full house, and God pleased.

May 11, 2012 - Thanks God it's Friday. Our program was filled with love, care and sharing for the Children,  It was made regularly an appointed time to be with each other, children long to be with Friday to come and enjoy the company of us, of God, of Jesus, which has become part of the body routine of the children to fill  Friday, their Breaking the Bread Day.

See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 18:10

The verse turns to be a battle cry. Environment had exploited so much these "little ones", their deprived conditions had been their prison cell to contain them,  and  the persecution of society pushes them to the corner of neglect. The war is within ; it is morals, spirituality, emotions, physical, where all them are the despising of environment and culture.  The world speaks of this judgement, and the truth is biblical, for there is no choice for us but to  carry this load. We have to be deaf  of criticisms to hear the voiceless, and dumb to serve the powerless. It could be ascertain that physical world is opposite with that of spiritual, for it is where god dwells.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


BTB May 3, 2012-  The Breaking the Bread Ministry has made a great leap forward in the caring and love for the spiritual growth of the children by integrating them in the Summer Catechism 2012 of the Sto. Nino Parish Shrine. This is a great step towards bringing them  into social integration and  part of the good works being missioned by the BTB specially for this month of May for Mama Mary devotion.

Almost half of the summer Catechism class are BTB children. The most unique situation here is that this is just the time in  many years that the Block 5 children are integrated in the summer catechism classes of the parish, and the good effect is that they start to mingle and socialize with the upper class children of the parish. Remember our children are brood of impoverished families not only that of hostile nature (their comment) of our society. There is a good feeling and an uplift spirit on our part that there is now a good result in our struggle to prove  that these children are worthy to become good citizens of our country and we have snatched them out of their dark uncertain future.