The Ministry of Sharing and Spreading the Word of God

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

What a Catholic should be

Today, every catholic should be more as little better and different. Why? Because, there is as need, a need to be more of a quality Catholic. It means, enough to be of a simple, Sunday Church going Catholic, where daily life as a Christian is stagnant and boring, no progress, unproductive. So many of us are like that. We've been born and raised as Catholic by our parents and we don't mind any more of our obligations as faithful. What I'd like to do here is to encourage every one of us to start reading the Word of God. Let us grow as Catholics and understand why we are Catholics, learn the basics of our faith. Read a little everyday and by that, we'll be able to share our faith with other non-Catholics that many of these fallen away brothers of ours are under the shade of wrong view of our Church. To start, the following might be of help for all of us to make our life as Catholic happy and interesting.

1. Read the Bible. You can start and organized by having the daily Bible Reading of the Church.Read them, from 1st reading to 2nd reading, the Responsorial psalms, an the gospel reading of the day. Reflect on all o f them. Study each readings. Search, find the backgrounds explanations, and understand them. It is more better to relate the readings to your own life, how the Word of God speak to yourself.
2. Listen to Music. If you love music, and before your were listening to radio songs , try going to listen to christian songs. there so many stuffs out there of praise songs. Mostly there are Catholic song artists that are very good. In these, your time or day will be a day of praising and prayer.
3. Join church Ministries. To make yourself fully attached to God, join Ministries in your Church. In your spare time, be involved in the service, in this way, you will be full immersed to work and service to God. Join only one ministry, that depends in you also.
4. Join Bible Fellowship. For you to grow in the word of God, join study courses in your church.

These are some few things you can do. If you'll do these four things, you are already full. There are other so many things to do, it's up to you, you decide and create more for yourself. What is best for you is to enjoy being a Catholic.